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Primal Carnage now in open beta

Don't go into the long grass!

Don't go into the long grass! Humans versus dinosaurs shooter Primal Carnage has roared into open beta, allowing you to jump into the action as a prehistoric predator or as food! Okay, to be fair, the food has guns, and they hurt. But that won't stop us. Oh no.

Beta access comes with a price, though - pre-order the game now for 15 bucks, and you'll get instant beta access along with a feathered raptor skin, for those who want more accuracy in regards to current academic theories to go with their totally realistic deathmatch game about mercenaries fighting dinosaurs in the jungle. Once you're in, you can pick between five human and five dinosaur classes to battle across five maps of team deathmatch chaos.

Stay tuned this week for our impressions of the beta!

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