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Primal Carnage trailer: raptors maul, leap on, and bite faces off pathetic humans

The last time we posted about Primal Carnage was in 2010.

about Primal Carnage was in 2010. At the time, all we got to see was a collection of animation demos created by independent development team Lukewarm Media. Their ill-advised experiments with prehistoric DNA have come a long way: Lukewarm has since found a publisher, and its multiplayer dinos vs. humans eat-em-up is almost ready for its beta test.

The latest character showcase trailer shows off the Raptor and Trapper classes. One has little arms, screams a lot, and tears flesh with its vicious razor teeth, and the other has nets. The game's official sitecontains information on the other classes and game modes, as well as a beta signup form.

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