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PC Gamer US Holiday issue: Diablo III, and 15 years of Diablo

15 years ago, the original Diablo hacked and slashed its way into PC gaming history.

PCG US Holiday 2011 Diablo III

15 years ago, the original Diablo hacked and slashed its way into PC gaming history. Now, on the run-up to Diablo III, we take a trip to Blizzard to look back at how all began, and forward at where it's going—including insight into the Diablo III that almost was! Plus, we've got Battlefield 3 sniper survival tips, a special report on what Windows 8 means for gamers, and an emergency guide to wrestling your accounts back from hackers. Then read our reviews of Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, Rage, Hard Reset, Driver: San Francisco, and more!

It's all on newsstands now! Or, if you can't make it to the store, we're available on Coverleaf.comand A pple Newsstand.

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