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Take a gander at BioWare's real, live Goose Cam

I am bad at puns, and so despite the urging of my PC Gamer comrades, I will not be making any in this most eggcellent story of BioWare's very own, very real, very live Goose Cam , starring a pair of Canada Geese who have constructed their nest upon the roof of BioWare Edmonton.

“Ganders, the female, sits on her nest atop the studio, patiently incubating her eggs while her hubby the Arishonk protects the nest from a distance,” BioWare wrote. “How many eggs did Ganders lay? When will they hatch? Do geese like Mass Effect? From 1-10, how cute is a baby goose? To satisfy our desperate need to answer these questions, we’ve set up the BioWare Goose Cam, which will monitor Ganders 24/7 as she tends to her nest. We hope you watch it too.”

The music is epic, but the action is another matter: I've been watching for awhile now, and the most exciting thing so far has been Ganders shifting position to face left instead of right. Arishonk, meanwhile, is nowhere to be seen; perhaps he's down in the parking lot assaulting people who are trying to get out of the building.

The Goose Cam went live a few hours ago and, depending on when the happy couple settled in, could be running for quite awhile: Gestation periods for Canada Geese generally run 25-28 days. If you like what you see—and how could you not?—BioWare thinks it'd be great if you gave some though to donating to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Edmonton, “a non-profit organization that contributes to environmental stewardship by providing care for injured and orphaned wildlife in the Edmonton area.”

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