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War of the Roses free trial now available

Paradox are offering a free pass to the 15th century, with a trial for the knight-bothering medieval multiplayer combat of War of the Roses.

Paradox are offering a free pass to the 15th century, with a trial for the knight-bothering medieval multiplayer combat of War of the Roses. And this isn't one of those "try the full game for one weekend only" deals. Instead, it's a permanent sampler, letting you lance Lancastrians or cause Yorkshiremen to yelp whenever you please.

To take part in the trial, you just need to head to the game's Steam pageand hit the "download demo" button. You get access to all online battles, against both paying players and other trial members. The downside is that you won't earn unlocks, meaning only the base classes and weapons are available. You will, however, be given any money you've earned if you later choose to buy the game.

Thanks, Strategy Informer.

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