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Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded is out today

Larry's awkward journey with the ladies has undergone all sorts of delays , but he's truly beat the odds and is now ready to come again.

Shudder . The Kickstarted remakeof the first Leisure Suit Larrygame has finally reached a climax with today's release, and a Larry 2 might already be in the works.

Backers by now should have received their copies of Larry Reloaded. If you didn't pledge to the initial Kickstarter, you can purchase a PC, Mac, or Linux version for $20 at Replay Games' store, or via Steam.

Meanwhile, the developer behind this remake isn't going to be luxuriating in any celebratory affairs; according to a tweet, a remake of Leisure Suit Larry 2 may well be on the cards. It's almost too much Larry to take, really, and I kind of wonder if anybody will ever remake some of Sierra's more family-friendly games. King's Quest HD, anyone?

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