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Sky Patrol Gets Featured Under ‘Best New Games’ On iTunes App Store

Indie development studio Beartrap Games just successfully ported their mobile game Sky Patrol to iOS devices, quickly being featured under “Best New Games.” The game was initially released for the Windows Phone last year, and has been ported over with a handful of additional features.

Sky Patrol is a fast-paced, strategy combat game that requires players to fly through 2D levels and protect an allied convoy through the air from a bird’s-eye view. Players must defend against any enemies, using the touch screen to fire a variety of missiles, bombs, and other powerful explosives. Players can also direct the path of whatever weapon is used for a precise tactical advantage during the game.

Beartrap Games has added on some level balancing tweaks, as well as a new boss battle mode! The player can expect to find themselves dealing with challenging encounters and a large amount of mayhem during each level.

Sky Patrol is currently available on the App Store for $1.99and is playable on iPad and iPhone devices. To learn more, gamers can follow Beartrap Games on Facebookor Twitter.

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