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Battlefield 5 rumored to be set in World War One

Obviously, Electronic Arts is making Battlefield 5.

Battlefield 5 listing

Obviously, Electronic Arts is making Battlefield 5. It said soa couple years ago, after all. So that's no surprise. But what might be is the setting, which according to a listing posted by Swiss retailer World of Gameswill be the First World War.

The listing, posted on Twitterand NeoGAF, describes Battlefield 5 as “Mehrspieler Taktik Shooter im 1. Weltkrieg,” which translatesin English to “Multiplayer tactical shooter in WW1.” The listing has since been changed to remove the WW1 reference, but it's too late... the internet remembers all.

The Great War would certainly be a change of pace, but I'm not sure how turn-of-the-century pistols and bolt-action rifles—not to mention the immobile, horrific grind of trench warfare—will translate into a videogame. How do you end up with something that isn't basically Team Fortress 2, but with each team limited to nine Snipers and a Heavy?

I've reached out to EA for comment on the rumor. I'll let you know if I receive a reply.

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