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Farspace Announces Game — Hyphen

Have you ever tried to push a stick through a tree trunk… without touching anything?

Have you ever tried to push a stick through a tree trunk… without touching anything? Oh and the wind is blowing… and the stick is spinning… and the tree is also spinning! That is pretty close to what is going on in Hyphen, by Farspace Studios. It is an action/puzzle game where the goal is to navigate a rotating stick through a maze of rotating and dangerous obstacles. The main eye grabbing feature of the game is obviously the neon graphics, check out the trailer to see for yourself.

Here is a quote from the game’s developer, Marc McCann, regarding the game’s difficulty, “Although it sounds extremely simple in theory, in practice it’s extremely challenging, especially as we have added lots of traps, interactive objects and puzzles to the mix. Despite its difficulty we think Hyphen is pretty darn fun and paired with its bright glowy visuals and techno soundtrack, it makes for a very intense experience for both hardcore and casual gamers.”

While Hyphen is not released yet, it developers are planning on being ready to go within the next few weeks. The Windows demo can be downloaded from Farspace’s website.

To learn more about Hyphen and Farspace Studios , you can visit their website and interact socially using the following links:

Twitter: @Farspacestudios

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