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Total War: Rome II trailer shows that ships don't get along with each other either

War. War never changes.

War. War never changes. Unless it's on a ship, then it changes quite a lot, what with all the water and scurvy and stingrays to worry about. In its latest trailer, Total War: Rome IIgives us a glimpse of its frankly gorgeous naval combat and, blimey, I'm getting seasick just looking at it. The whole business looks appropriately chaotic and cramped, though not as many people fall in the sea as I would have thought. It's the first thing I would have done if I'd have been there.

The only really disappointing part of that video, in my eyes, is the rather sudden collapse of a smaller boat upon bashing into one of the bigger ones (you can tell I've got the terminology down). But I suppose they have to hold something back for Total War: Croydon, which--oops, I don't think I was supposed to mention that.

As that big gold text says at the end of the trailer, Total War: Rome II is out September 3rd

which – checks filofax – is not very far away at all. Have a watch of our recent gameplay demowhile you wait.

Ta, RPS.

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