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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen PC trailer sets the scene

I for one am pretty bloody excited that Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is coming to PC.

is coming to PC. I've already played it through on console, but as the trailer above demonstrates it's going to look and run a lot better on PC. Look at that silky framerate. It brought a tear to my eye.

If you've already played the game nothing in the video will surprise you – it's a simple runthough of the game's unique systems, including pawns. These are fully-customisable companions that can be shared online. If other users take one of your pawns on an adventure, you reap some benefits.

Not shown in the trailer is that you can pick people up and throw them off cliffs. That's what initially sold the game for me. Oh, and the menu theme for Dragon's Dogma is one of the best ever committed to tape (make sure you listen until the 0:43 mark). Assuming the port is good, this will definitely be one to play. It's due in January 2016.

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