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Don’t Overstep Your Bounds in Overstep

Humanity has overstepped its bounds.

Humanity has overstepped its bounds. That’s really the simplest way to put it.

Not us, not exactly. I’m talking about the Sapiens, as the Homo-Sapien race is known. They’ve pretty much stripped the earth dry of its natural resources. With no other options available, they’ve set out in search of another planet to help sustain the population. Thanks to a discovery that allows them to visit an unexplored sector of the universe, the Sapiens find Elido, which is so similar to Earth that it even has a race of beings whose evolutionary path resembles that of the Sapiens. This race, dubbed Homo-Peregrinus , soon finds that the Sapiens have come to take whatever Elido can give them – and they’re not shy about declaring war to get it.

In, the debut project (or as they like to call it, the “first son”) of Estonia-based developer Gamecan, the Outer Earth War has begun between the Sapiens and the Peregrinus. Players must step into an online multiplayer world to take part in the war, set in a dynamic climate. Gravity shifts will affect the player, the weapons, and the game environment, keeping the action fast-paced.

Although the game is a multiplayer first-person shooter, the story has intricacies like those found in single-player games. The developers refer to it as being “a story hidden from sight.” The planet Elido presents a mystery, as does the war itself, and as the game progresses players will slowly uncover the truth about everything. With three playable races, there will be an emphasis on teamwork as well as strategy, since the different races each bring unique abilities and roles to the table.

The devs are careful to stress that Overstep will be free to download and has no required costs at all. Players will have the option to buy certain in-game cosmetic products, which will change the appearance of some aspects of play, and also may make purchases which let them acquire certain objects faster. However, and particularly on Xbox One, every single item in the game which is available for purchase will also be available to ‘buy’ with points earned for playing the game, meaning that no one needs to spend any money on Overstep if they would rather not. “Purchases don’t affect gameplay or game balance, unless you want to look cooler than your friends,” Gamecam promises. “ Overstep will never become a pay-to-win game.”

Overstep is currently in development for PC and Xbox One; it’s being created using motion capture technology and will feature voice acting. Gamecam invites all those interested to register now, in the hopes of winning a Beta key when the time comes. Players can also learn more about the game by following along on Facebookand Twitter.

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