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Our Impressions Of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Outside of Nintendo's hallowed halls, nobody has played more of Zelda: Skyward Sword than Game Informer's Phil Kollar and Dan Ryckert.

Outside of Nintendo's hallowed halls, nobody has played more of Zelda: Skyward Sword than Game Informer's Phil Kollar and Dan Ryckert. It's fair to call these two editors our resident Zelda super-fans, so we were all curious about their thoughts on the latest entry in the series. In the park behind our office, the two of them discussed the biggest changes to the Zelda formula and their overall impressions of their time with Skyward Sword. Check out the video to learn all you need to know before the game is released on November 20.

For more information on Skyward Sword and the Zelda series overall, click the link to our hub below.

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