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VID Agents – Buddy Cop Film Action for Gamers

“An action-comedy about the prohibition of video games”, is the first quote that catches one’s eye when visiting the Kickstarter page for VID Agents, which is a feature length web series that will be divided into 16 minute episodes that will each run around 10 minutes.

which is a feature length web series that will be divided into 16 minute episodes that will each run around 10 minutes. It is a project that is influenced by other films such Miami Vice, Beverly Hills Cop, and Lethal Weapon, and features a relevant topic the video game world deals with quite often: The linking of video games with real world violence.

VID Agents is set in an alternate reality where the United States government has federally outlawed video games, due to the belief that they drive people into acts of violence. As with many illegal things that exist, video games have become prominent, and very profitable within the black market. This is where Gabe Wolfe and Ethan Fox come into play. These two police officers located in the Greater Los Angeles Area receive promotions to become the agents of the brand new Video Game Investigations Division. Once they take upon their new responsibilities as VID Agents, they soon learn of the true size of the game trafficking ring, and fall into the hunt for the biggest distributor of games in LA.

O75319f8636a237538d8f5d27112a2e48_largenly Gabe and Ethan can prevent the game trade ring from bringing Los Angeles to its knees.

The creator of VID Agents is Philip Bache, a writer, director, and producer whom has also done work on short films, music videos, video games, web shows, and independent features. He is currently a voice director for AAA game titles that feature Hollywood casts, grand production schedules, and titles that have won many awards. For more information on Philip Bache’s previous work you can check out his short filmand as well as his spec script for

The VID Agents Kickstarter campaign has 39 days left, but has only received a total pledge of $1,680 – at the time of this writing – of its pledge goal of $30,000. Anyone interested in helping this project reach its goal should do so by heading over to its Kickstarterpage, where more information on this project can also be gathered, and also by simply spreading the word.

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