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The Sims 4 is all about feelings. Feelings and rampant gesticulation

As we know, The Sims 4's Big Thing is the emotions of its virtual people.

As we know, The Sims 4's Big Thing is the emotions of its virtual people. Emotions such as 'happiness', 'disappointment', 'regret', 'the nagging feeling that some godlike figure is manipulating everything I do', and who could forget 'insouciance'. This latest trailer focuses on a bunch of less exciting feelings such as boredom and confidence, and the sims' constant over-gesticulation makes me think their latest game might be set on some terrifying Planet of the Mimes. Sure, that hyperactivity has always been a thing, but it seems extra mimey now that everyone's expressing emotions all the time.

I do hope the whole game isn't quite so arm-flailingly exaggerated as it is in that trailer—it would be exhausting. If you're currently feeling the emotion 'wondering whether The Sims 4 will run on my computer', wonder no more: it probably will. A reminder: The Sims 2 is now totally freeover on Origin, so if hyper-expressive emotions aren't your bag, you could always dig into that game and its many, many expansions.

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