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Misfits Attic Allows Players to Choose Their Next Game

Misfits Attic , the studio behind the puzzle title A Virus Named Tom , is doing something interesting for their next project: letting their fans decide what game to make.

, is doing something interesting for their next project: letting their fans decide what game to make. The studio has set up a page detailing three different prototypes for games they want to make, and whichever one gets the most votes by fans will be put on Kickstarter for funding and then developed by the team.

The first prototype is entitled Duskers, a “real-time tactical sci-fi roguelike survival dungeon crawler…thing”, in which you pilot drones that explore abandoned spaceships. Your drones are not of the best quality, and so using upgrades you find along the way, you’ll have to improvise and use what you have to adapt to new scenarios.

The second prototype is the aptly-named Chess the Gathering . It’s a mix of—you guessed it—chess and Magic: The Gathering . This prototype uses cards with monsters, like the ones in Magic, but gives you the ability to play those cards on a board for them to engage in a open space during combat. Spells will allows cool abilities like letting a creature ricochet off the edge of the board, or create objects on the board. The game will also allow for custom board creation.

The final prototype is called The Last Shadow . It’s a stealth-action game where the core mechanic focuses on aiming, ricocheting, and sticking to surfaces. While the game originally forced stealth, the team has decided that it’s best to let the player decide what route to take, and then change future levels based on how the complete the previous ones. There will also be an arena combat mode focused on momentum.

Currently, all of the games are within about 3% of each other, so go vote and change the tide! You can vote for Misfits Attic’s next game on their official website, and follow them on Twitter

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