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Jonathan Blow teases VR support for The Witness

Jonathan Blow , the outspoken developer behind indie hit Braid and upcoming puzzle game The Witness , has a pair of pictures hinting that virtual reality support may be coming to the Myst -alike.

-alike. The images feature the unmistakable double-vision familiar from every Oculus Rift game demo, and as pointed out by an eagle-eyed commenteron Blow's site, the images are titled VR1 and VR2.

For all of the excitement around the Oculus Rift, including John Carmack's recent full-time devotion to the project, programming Rift support into games is still fairly rare. According to Road to VR, barely two dozen games have been developed with in-house Rift support.Luckily for VR enthusiasts, third-party drivers have added support to dozens more including Skyrim, Arma 2 and Mirror's Edge.

Getting to explore the lush island of The Witness with built-in VR support will be a treat, but there is a snag in this fantasy: The Witness will hit the PS4 before it comes to PC, and Sony is rumoredto be launching a VR headset for its console. Still, once the work of building to VR headsets has been done, it should translate easily.

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