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Test Pangenesis with the Free Early Alpha

A procedurally-generated RPG, Pangenesis is seeking help from gamers all over the globe to test their Alpha build – at no cost to the player.

is seeking help from gamers all over the globe to test their Alpha build – at no cost to the player. The developers want to make sure they’re headed in a direction that’s not only good for the game, but also for future consumers. A somewhat unique feature of the current build is that it’s already available as multiplayer, so friends can test it out together (there is currently support for 16 players either online or via LAN, with 64 players as the ultimate goal). While an account must be registered in order to proceed with the Alpha download, this is no different to many other multiplayer games. Currently, the Pangenesis open areas and material-gathering techniques resemble Minecraft , but the dungeons and creatures are more detailed, with more variety, and the building possibilities extend beyond voxels.

Some features of the game, so far, include puzzles and combat both in the outdoors, and in the procedurally-generated dungeons. You can change your DNA to suit your needs, and can also change the DNA of other players. Animal DNA is also editable, with the additional ability to breed new types of animals either for fun or to suit another purpose (the example shown in the video is a spider/duck hybrid). The creatures are already diverse, however, and include enemies as well as friendly creatures. For those using Oculus Rift, Pangenesis offers native support for your device, in order to make the world more immersive. In addition to the game, a no-registration-required dedicated server download is also available.

You can download the free Alpha here. While there is currently no detailed website available, yet, there will be, soon. Updates for the new website should appear on the current Pangenesis site. The YouTube channelcurrently contains two videos, with hints that more may be on the way.

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