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The Tactical Combat Of The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online has a multi-pronged strategy to separate its combat from other MMOs on the market.

The Elder Scrolls Online has a multi-pronged strategy to separate its combat from other MMOs on the market. With an emphasis on fewer, more powerful skills and rewarding tactical maneuvers like creating synergy bonuses between two players, the team at Zenimax Online Studios is attempting to create a seamless transition between player-versus-monster combat and player-versus-player fights. Game Informer's Adam Biessener sat down with lead gameplay designer Nick Konkle, creature combat designer Maria Aliprando, and lead PvP designer Brian Wheeler to talk about what will stand out in the combat mechanics of The Elder Scrolls Online. We have separated the discussion into two parts: the first video focuses on top-level features, while the second video dives in deep to the mechanics and is recommended for those more familiar with MMOs.

Check out the more advanced video below to learn about the team's approach to crowd control, the impact of weapon choice, the adaptability of classes,  and the power of "ultimate attacks."

To learn more about the other aspects of The Elder Scrolls Online, click on the link below to read and watch more.

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