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Escher-esque Relativity is the latest game backed by Indie Fund

Newsbrief: The folks at Indie Fund have announced that Chicago-based artist Willy Chyr's M.C. Escher-like first-person puzzle game Relativity will be the latest title to receive financial backing from the company.

The Indie Fund was created back in 2010as an alternative, 'angel'-esque funding source for game developers. To date, the group has helped fund games like Antichamber, Fract OSC, Framed and the upcoming Due Process.

With Indie Fund's support Chyr now aims to double the size of his one-man dev team and ship Relativity, his first full-length video game project, to PlayStation 4 and PC in 2016. He's building it in Unity, and we've taken the liberty of embedding video of a (very) alpha version of the game above.

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