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Silly Multiplayer Brawler Gang Beasts Hits Early Access…in the Face

Gang Beasts is a game of burly, doughy gentlemen trying to punch, grab, and throw each other off of various structures.

is a game of burly, doughy gentlemen trying to punch, grab, and throw each other off of various structures. Using setpieces straight out of action movies, it’s looking like an excellent go-to game for any dispute between four friends, because if you and your pals all fought on top of a Ferris wheel or across some moving trucks in real life, it would not turn out well. Instead, let these colorfully, gelatinous fellows endure the punishment.

The game is a laugh riot, mainly due to the physics system in place. These guys all move really believably, but their silly character models make that look really funny. They bend, and twist over whatever they slam into, and move realistically (for big doughy guys) when grabbing or carrying the other characters and objects. Being able to grab and throw these guys into fiery pits, working machinery, and into the path of oncoming trains is also good for chuckles, too. The Royal Rumble style, where you’re just about to toss someone over the edge only to have another buddy rock you in the face, turns it all into silly chaos.

If you want to find out just how funny the game is for yourself, it’s out now on Steam Early Access. Don’t let the simplicity of the character models fool you, as the game is really something impressive to see in action. The characters seem plain, but their movements really are incredible, looking really good while also providing material for some funny moments.

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