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Gamescom 2013: all the stories from day three

More transmissions from the secret psychic bunker hidden under Cologne!

More transmissions from the secret psychic bunker hidden under Cologne! Today, our specially trained news empaths were battered by thoughts of quirky turn-based fantasy, disturbed by the competitive urges of a man named Fergus, humbled by the vast majesty of space, and confused by the words "Call of Duty: Ghosts will have dedicated servers." We've since transcribed their anguished cries, and now present them to you in a handy list of links.

Amplitude Studios trade spaceships for ogres with Endless Legend. Extended Battlefield 4 multiplayerfootage gets shipped in from Paracel Storm. You'll be able to lord it over Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 with the help of this combat trailer. Keep an eye on Stronghold Crusader 2with this trailer. (Keep, geddit? Like you'd find on a castle? Oh fine, be like that.) Will you join Ubisoft's The Crew? This trailer hopes to persuade you. Revolution showed the world its first glimpseof Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse. Spend ten minutes dwarfing your enemies, with the Age of Wonders III video walkthrough. In Dedicated Servers news, Call of Duty: Ghosts on PC will feature... well, you probably already guessed. Appropriately, this should result in stealthier patches. Here are some screenshots of X Rebirth. Just pretend we made a pun about space here. Crytek's new CryEngine - now just called 'CryEngine'- features revolutionary PuddleTech, not to mention shinier floors.

You can find more from the event inside our Gamescom 2013 tag.

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