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Hearts of Iron 4 trailer offers the tiniest first glimpse of game footage

Here's a first, brief look at Hearts of Iron 4.

Here's a first, brief look at Hearts of Iron 4. And I do mean brief: of the minute-long tour through the beginnings of World War 2, around 12 seconds are given to this latest offering from Paradox's Clausewitz Engine. If you're a veteran grand strategy fan, you already know what to expect. Maps, men and giant arrows.

Also new is a HoI4 website promotion. On the official site, fans can log in to join one of the three factions—Allies, Axis or Comintern—then recruit new people for a chance at an upcoming beta.

Paradox promise a more substantial look at game footage is yet to come. Hearts of Iron 4 is due out early next year.

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