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Rumour: DayZ creator instructed to work on mod full-time by Bohemia

The creator of DayZ and Bohemia Interactive employee, Rocket, has been instructed by Bohemia to work on the mod full-time.


and Bohemia Interactive employee, Rocket, has been instructed by Bohemia to work on the mod full-time. That's according to an account of a fan who chatted with him at E3 earlier today, spotted by Craigover on the DayZ subreddit. The account says that Rocket believes that DayZ is "the first step towards Bohemia gearing up to make it into a full standalone game."

He goes on to say that Rocket talked about having already ported the mod over to the Arma 3 engine, and that "it works great." Rocket also reportedly said that DayZ has been tested internally with the new tech, and can "handle 100-200 players easily" on a server.

This qualifies as a rumour for now, as the comments are second hand, but Graham will be meeting Rocket at E3 tomorrow. We'll have solid answers then.

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