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Pillars of Eternity update changes offensive content

What would usually be a piece of throwaway lore - a random epitaph in a graveyard, written by a Kickstarter backer who contributed a certain amount - revealed itself as potentially transmisogynistic.

Piillars Original Epitaph

The recent 1.03 patchfor Pillars of Eternity has brought with it a change of a different type - that of a fan-submitted piece of writing.

Hey @Obsidian you should have said no to this backer. Transmisogyny is not acceptable in 2015. #PillarsofEternity pic.twitter.com/GoVfIbxA5J March 29, 2015

The complaint, also noted here, was seen by developer Obsidian and, as a post on the Obsidian forumsfrom CEO Fergus Urquhart pointed out, acted on. Though for the sake of sanity you might not want to scroll through the comments below it:

"It's come to our attention that a piece of backer-created content has made it into Pillars of Eternity that was not vetted. Once it was brought to our attention, it followed the same vetting process as all of our other content. Prior to release, we worked with many of our backers to iterate on content they asked to be put into the game that didn't strike the right tone.

"In the case of this specific content, we checked with the backer who wrote it and asked them about changing it. We respect our backers greatly, and felt it was our duty to include them in the process. They gave us new content which we have used to replace what is in the game. To be clear, we followed the process we would have followed had this content been vetted prior to the release of the product."

The original epitaph has been changed to one that is... well, what appears to be a dig from the backer who had to change it, let's be honest. But it's better than just being outright offensive, at least.

Pillars New Epitaph

The transmisogynistic joke is deleted from #PillarsofEternity now. Thank you @Obsidian @jesawyer for listening to us. pic.twitter.com/MxSSbHalQ1 April 3, 2015

Anyway, if you're struggling with Pillars of Eternity have a look at our beginner's guide to combat, and if you're struggling with figuring out why you should buy the game, check out our review.

[Thanks, The Mary Sue]

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