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Chris Roberts: Star Citizen is a PC game, will never be "dumbed down for a lesser platform"

There's nothing PC gamers love quite as much as a good rumor.

There's nothing PC gamers love quite as much as a good rumor. We had a bunch of Fallout 4 speculationcrop up over the weekend, and some doomsayers are claiming the end of the world will be brought about by a freakishly powerful rigcobbled together by mad scientists. Now the skies of Star Citizen are falling because someone spotted a PlayStation 4 dev kit in a picture posted by the developers. Taking to the community forums, creator Chris Roberts addressed rumors that Star Citizen would be dumbed down for console release—and destroyed them.

“Star Citizen IS a PC game,” Roberts writes. “It will NEVER be dumbed down for a lesser platform. We will NOT limit the input options or supported peripherals to the lowest common denominator. We will NOT pass on features and technology just because they will only run on some hardware configurations.”

Roberts continues to list the things that he loves about developing for PC, and why a console port—for either PS4 or Xbox One—is unlikely to ever happen. “As far as consoles go Star Citizen will never be on the PS3 or Xbox 360. As for the next gen consoles, PS4 and Xbox One, we have NO CURRENT PLANS, but my stance remains open and is consistent with the many interviews I've given… IF the platform holders (Sony & Microsoft) allow us to update the code and data without restrictions and odious time consuming QC procedures, IF they allow our community to openly interact with each other across platforms then I would CONSIDER supporting them.”

For notoriously slow-to-update console behemoths Microsoft and Sony, that's a pretty big ask. Sony did send the offending PS4 dev kit to Roberts, though, so they are at least interested in a discussion. If you're one of the many, many peopleto give money to Star Citizen and you were worried about the game getting dumbed down for console gamers, it sounds like you can rest easy.

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