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PS4 to PC Remote Play coming in the console's next firmware update

In November , Sony announced that PS4-to-PC streaming was on its to-do list (an announcement that came one week after the unfortunate Twisted proclaimed its intention to charge for an unofficial streaming app).


to charge for an unofficial streaming app). That 'to-do' is now a 'doing': Remote Play between the PS4 and PC will arrive in the console's next firmware update, version 3.50, bringing it into parity with the Xbox One.

So, PS4 and PC owner, I ask you, would you use this feature? Do you yearn to move from the comfort of your couch to the strictures of your office chair while shunning the tower 'neath your desk? I suppose it's nice to have the option.

There's no date for the update as yet, but you'll know when we know.

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