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Relic says a new Dawn of War is a "strong possibility"

It's been over two years since we hot-dropped onto the battlefields of the 41st Millennium in Dawn of War II: Retribution, and the sale of Relic to Sega has left the series' future a mystery.

It's been over two years since we hot-dropped onto the battlefields of the 41st Millennium in Dawn of War II: Retribution, and the sale of Relic to Sega has left the series' future a mystery. While Relic's in-house property, Company of Heroes, changed hands along with them, there has been no official word on whether or not Warhammer owners Games Workshop will continue to license the franchise to the RTS developer. Speaking to Eurogamerrecently, Relic's Quinn Duffy gave us hope for a third entry in the franchise, saying there is "a strong possibility we'll all be working together again on Dawn of War."

Speculation about a Dawn of War continuation was rekindled after Sega was announced to have purchased Relic. The veteran publisher also owns Creative Assembly, of Total War fame, which is currently working on a game set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. It seems the existing relationships are all there to make it happen. What might a hypothetical Dawn of War 3 look like, though?

Well, according to former THQ president Danny Bilson, some version of Dawn of War 3 was in the pipe before the house of cards came down. He described it as having "a much larger strategic component" and being "sort of MMO-like." It's quite possible this direction was scrapped, however, after the failure of the "MMO-like" Company of Heroes Online.

We'll keep an eye out for any more Dawn of War 3 news—let us know in the comments what you'd like to see from the next entry in the series.

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