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10 Relaxing Games To Take Your Mind Off Things

Busy week?

Busy week? Boss yelling at you? Bills to pay? Sounds like you either need a plan or some games to help reduce your stress levels. Abzû , an enchantingunderwater adventure game, was released this week and it might do the trick. If you need even more suggestions for games in a similar vein, no worries – we’ve got your back.

Here are 10 chill games for stressful times.

Easily one of the most notable games from the last generation of consoles, Journey was heralded for its beautiful aesthetic and cryptic-but-emotional pilgrimage. Matt Miller reviewedthe game and said “During the course of covering the game, I completed it at least three times, with one entire playthrough being with a partner. Each time, without fail, individual moments (particularly the final level) managed to give me goosebumps, and those moments have remained on my mind for weeks afterward. Give Journey the same attention you might bring to a musical concert, a well-directed film, or a long-awaited book, and its rewards are substantial.”

Sound Shapes
This one is for all the music lovers out there, as well as platformer aficionados. You control a small ball going from stage to stage, with collections of stages presented as beautiful albums, collecting musical notes that contribute to each stage’s slowly building soundtrack. It’s a colorful, enjoyable game with a great soundtrack that’ll more than do its part to help you unwind. You can read our review here.

Fans of colorful, bright environments won’t want to miss out on Proteus, which casts players as an individual exploring a mysterious island as it passes through the seasons. The sound design (filled with chittering animals and leaves blowing in the wind) and the gorgeous pixelated aesthetic create an experience similar to a walk in the park.

Endless Ocean
If the sea is your kind of thing, then Endless Ocean is worth dusting off your Wii to check out. You explore a number of underwater environments as a scuba diver and swim around with the likes of dolphins, sharks, and angelfish without worrying about them being hostile to you. The graphics are a bit fuzzy, but the game remains a pretty and soothing experience.

Unfinished Swan
Unfinished Swan is a charming experience where you play as a child named Monroe literally painting a world into existence. It’s a tad frustrating at first, trying to find your way around a white maze, but soon you ease into a groove where you’re painting hallways and pathways before you. Also, the score is stirring. You can read our review of the game here.

Continue on to page 2 to find even more suggestions for relaxing games.

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