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First Elite Dangerous footage takes cover behind lead designer

The new Elite game that's currently looking for funding on Kickstarter has made a shy first appearance behind the back of creator David Braben's head.

has made a shy first appearance behind the back of creator David Braben's head. Hello there, Elite! Come on out, we won't hurt you. Look I have half a cup of cold Friday afternoon coffee if you want to - oh nevermind.

Nope, it's a no go. Still, we get to hear David Braben chatting about how procedural generation will let the team quickly create varied planetoids and gas giants. The most impressive moment arrives 4:44 in when the background transforms to show some nice procedural cloud generation tech that will be used to make gas giants ultra-pretty, though watching it feels as though I've died and gone to a special game development heaven where famous devs lecture souls on number strings until the end of time.

Thanks to Paul Nicholas for the heads up.

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