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Double Fine's Massive Chalice funded in less than a week

Double Fine pitches its new game as being in the same vein as XCOM or Fire Emblem.

Well, that didn't take long now did it? Double Fine's tactical strategy game, Massive Chalice, has completed its lofty, $725,000 Kickstarter goalin only five short days.

or Fire Emblem. Your duty as an immortal king is to protect your beloved realm from demons over multiple lifetimes. Your sturdier warriors will eventually succumb to the unrelenting passage of time, but will leave behind relics that you can equip to members of their bloodline for additional benefits.

Unlike with its previous Kickstarter success, Broken Age, project lead Brad Muir and Double Fine have decided to forgo a lengthy laundry list of stretch goals. Instead, the team plans to toss around ideas with the game's community.

Double Fine plans to release Massive Chalice around September 2014 with a current asking price of $20. Throwing in $50 will net you early access to the game, HD downloads of the behind-the-scenes documentary, hi-res digital art and the game's soundtrack.

We aren't sure if Double Fine plans on using Kickstarter to self-publish future games, but we wouldn't put it past them given their success with the service. And if you consider Double Fine's history with large publishers, can you really blame them?

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