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Indie Intermission – Can You Be The ‘Lucky Luddite’ And Prevent The Discovery Of Fire

Today I bring you a rather odd concept, and one that I do rather like even if the gameplay is rather limited the idea is nice and the theme is really funny.

Lucky Luddite is a game created for (you guessed it) Ludum Dare 25 by Chris Cacciatore, Tony Fraguero and Duncan McFarland .

Lucky Luddite follows the zany adventures of Ned Ludd who on his way to destroy some cotton mills stumbled across a time portal. This gives Ludd the ability to finally go back in time and correct humanities mistakes as he is given the unique chance to stop humanities development right at its very core with the invention of the fire.

Preventing humanity from discovering such a fundamental attribute of its development is quite the interesting prospect, and as you may expect the holy grail for a Luddite. However these prehistoric men are no joke and can crush your skull in a matter of seconds, and are also rather persistent at actually making fire.

Everything is working against you as you try to prevent the discovery of fire. It’s not an easy task, but one that you know will prevent industrialisation and therefore allow you to live a much happier life.

The controls are very simple and basically just involve you hiding behind a rock throwing shiny rocks at the cavemen to keep them distracted whilst you try to put out the embers with your mighty foot.

Average play time – 5 minutes

Lucky Luddite is full of humour from start to finish and has been presented in a very nice looking package. The gameplay is rather shallow and limited but being a jam game this is nothing new and the idea alone should be enough to put a smile on your face. Although there is no scoring system in place currently, but if this was added it would allow for much improved gameplay overall.

You can find Lucky Luddite on the official Ludum Dare 25 site here. Be sure to vote for it if you like the game and check out some of the other great contestants.

If you are a developer with A fun indie game that can be played over a coffee break, we want to hear from you! Private message us on twitter @IndieGameMag or shoot us an email at editors@indiegamemag.com with the subject “Indie Intermission” and you could be our indie intermission pick of the day!

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