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Don't be fooled by this "EA Sports" FIFA World Cup phishing scam

World Cup fever can manifest in a variety of ways.

World Cup fever can manifest in a variety of ways. Usually it involves a great deal of shouting and drinking, but scammers are also having a field day doing what they do best: scamming. One such scam is playing out on Instagram at present, where a fake EA Sports account is promising new and exclusive playable characters, including Neymar. Problem is, if you follow the link provided and enter your Origin password, you'll fall victim to a phishing scam.

The 'easportsut2014' Instagram account is the main culprit. Malwarebytes Unpackedreports that it's approaching 9,000 followers with a very active community. The usual trick is to invite users to be among the first to click a link in the account's description in order to gain access to 'exclusive' goodies. Naturally, you should not do this.

It's not the first time a phishing scam has taken on the identity of EA Sports: several Twitter accounts purporting to be official EA Sports support channels popped up earlier this year. Through a process of cunning trickery the accounts directed users to a site requesting Origin details. It's a jungle out there.

In more positive FIFA news, FIFA 15 for PC will debut the fancy new Ignite Engineon our beloved platform. Apparently it's pretty nifty.

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