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The Warcraft film is "pretty much a finished movie"

It's a little known fact that production of the Warcraft film actually began during the Reagan administration, but people didn't hear about it because the internet hadn't been invented.

actually began during the Reagan administration, but people didn't hear about it because the internet hadn't been invented. Is that really true? Of course not—ARPANET, the precursor to the internet as we know it today, was actually established in the 1960s, long before Ronald Reagan became President of the United States. But that's not important. What is important is that, according to director Duncan Jones, the movie is just about complete.

That doesn't mean you'll be watching it anytime soon, since it won't hit theaters until next summer. But it's "pretty much a finished movie," he told io9, with fewer than ten VFX shots remaining to be polished off and inserted. You'll also be happy to hear that he reckons it's a pretty good flick, too.

"I've got to see [it], I know that it's good. I've shown it to people that I trust, whose opinions I respect, and who are honest with me, and they've said it's good," he said. "So now I just clench my fists and grit my teeth, and wait for everyone else to see it."

Jones also said that if the film is a success, it could become a trilogy. "If it goes well, I am pretty convinced that Chris Metzen from Blizzard and I have a very good idea of what story we could tell in three films, given the opportunity," he continued. He'd like to return to direct future films in the franchise, but he also wants to get to work on a "pet project" called Mute. "If I can squeeze in Mute before Warcraft even comes out, then that would give me my kind of 'little indie' I wanted to make, and then I'd love to jump back into this," he said,

Warcraft—the film, not the game, or the World of—is scheduled for release on June 10 of 2016.

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