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World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Beta Key Giveaway

World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Beta Key Giveaway Thanks to our friends at Blizzard, games™ is giving away 100 beta keys a day for the next ten days for the hugely anticipated Cataclysm expanasion pack. So, maths fans, that means we have 1000 keys up for grabs. All you have to do to enter the draw is click here and answer the simple WOW-related question. Make sure you fill in your details and, if you’ve come here via Twitter, then make sure you retweet the original tweet and include your Twitter name with your answer – they’ll be checking! At the end of each day, 100 names will be drawn from the proverbial hat and winners will be emailed their beta keys, so keep an eye on your email…

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