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Medal of Honor: Warfighter day one patch contains essential fixes

Day one patches are sometimes used to circumvent disk deadlines, giving developers the opportunity to keep fixing things right up to launch day.

Day one patches are sometimes used to circumvent disk deadlines, giving developers the opportunity to keep fixing things right up to launch day. If a game has to be shipped but isn't entirely polished yet, a day one fix can do the trick. Medal of Honor's birthday update is particularly essential. It adds "new features" like to the ability to "add friends and join parties while in-game." It also fixes weapon bugs like a classic "very exploitable" no-scope bug and changes the VOIP team channel so that it "no longer includes players from the other team." Hmmm.

The patch also fixes "an issue where the default difficulty was set to Easy instead of Normal" and fixes instances in which "controls would become unresponsive under certain conditions." It also removes "progression stoppers" in the single player campaign. Unsurprisingly, EA "heartily encourages all Medal of Honor Warfighter players to download and install the patch as soon as they are able." You can find the full patch notes over on the EA site. Right click on Medal of Honor in your Origin library and select "check for updates" to get your copy fixed up.

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