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Video: Study Sony's Morpheus Heist demo in action

It's known as The London Heist , and it's interesting to study because it pushes players to use both of their hands (which are holding Move controllers) to interact with a virtual space in novel ways; holding a virtual phone up to your ear to hear the speaker more clearly, for example, or physically picking up a clip of ammunition with one hand and slamming it into a pistol held in the other.

Sony brought a VR game demo to GDC this year that got a lot of people talking, myself included.

Using two Move controllers as virtual stand-ins for your hands goes a long way towards cementing that elusive sense of "presence" that creates believable VR experiences, and Valve reportedly accomplishes a very similar thing with its SteamVR controller prototypes.

VR-curious developers who missed out on seeing it firsthand can now get a decent look at how the demo is designed (and, as a bonus, how players tend to move when wearing a Morpheus headset and dual-wielding motion controllers) in a YouTube video(embedded above) recorded at this week's Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Expo and uploaded by YouTube user Brian Hart.

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