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Archange – Save Jenkins, Save…His Hat

Olivier Philbert is a newcomer to the indie dev scene, and his first game is an app for iPhone and iPad called Archange .

. In it, you play a guardian angel saddled with the task of protecting a man named Jenkins from the world as he chases his hat, which has blown off his head.

Cracks in the road, cars, manholes, alien abduction, and meteors are all threats, and as nothing can stop Jenkins from chasing his hat, you must do all you can to make sure no harm comes to him. Place boards, replace covers, knock cars and spaceships out of the way, and provide a shield to help your charge retrieve his headgear!

There are currently 12 levels, with 36 planned in total, and the app is available for free in the AppStore.

Follow Olivier on Twitterfor updates about the game, and find out more information about future projects on his website.

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