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Indie Royale's Hammerhead Bundle includes Primordia, Forge, no visible sharks

The Indie Royale game bundle returns with its most cryptically mysterious name since the last time it had a cryptically mysterious name.

it had a cryptically mysterious name. Called the Hammerhead Bundle, it features five games. Some of them are about robots, some of them are about vehicular combat, some of them are about fantasy brawling, none of them appear to be about angry fish. As always, there's a trailer round up of the included games. See how many sharks you can spot.

Primordia Pressure Forge Richard & Alice Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage

Perhaps not the best line-up when placed next to the fantastic, and still available, Humble Indie Bundle 8, but nonetheless a good range of interesting titles for the price. That price, as is Indie Royale's quirk, will rise over time. Currently it's a £3.62 minimum, with higher-than-average purchases dropping the minimum price for everyone.

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