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Grab Your Glue Sticks and Construction Paper and Save Flat Kingdom

The only time anyone brings up magical crystals in a video game is when they’re broken or not working any more.

The only time anyone brings up magical crystals in a video game is when they’re broken or not working any more. Most of my gaming life has been spent as some glorified crystal repairman, going to kingdom after kingdom to fix the various nefarious goings-on. Guys, we need a better system than crystals to prevent evil from taking over. Also, what kind of evil wants to take over such a cute construction paper cutout kingdom like the one in Flat Kingdom , anyway? How big of a jerk do you have to be to want to put those adorable people in danger?

Luckily, cute kingdoms tend to have amorphous shapeshifters to protect them, and Flat Kingdom has the brave knight, Flat. Able to shift between being a circle, square, or triangle, one would assume his day job is spent helping preschoolers learn their shapes. Instead, this guy uses his literal shape changing abilities to adapt to the environment. Switch to square if you need to throw some weight around. Circle helps you float on air and double jump. Triangle is pretty quick and can poke people with its sharp edges. The shape changing is also important in combat, as the game uses a rock/paper/scissors style where certain enemies are weak to certain forms. You’ll need to test to find weaknesses if you’re going to save the kingdom!

The mechanics are neat, and you’ll have many different areas and locales to use them in. The environments seem to have been created by a kindergartener with an unlimited budget for construction paper and glue, going to expansive green fields and snowy peaks. Fat Panda games promises several more locations than what you see in the trailer, all with joking names in keeping with the game’s lighthearted style.

A demo is availablefor those who want to give Flat Kingdom ‘s gameplay a try. It’s worth trying to see the neat world Fat Panda Gameshas created for the game, especially if you’ve enjoyed the style of games like Kirby’s Epic Yarn . And get on finding something other than crystals for keeping evil at bay while you’re at it. Those things are USELESS.

You can learn more about Fat Panda Games’ Flat Kingdom by going to the developer’s site, or by following them on Facebookand Twitter. You can also donate to their Kickstarteror give them a vote on Steam Greenlight.

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