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IGM Forum Find: Mark in DeDark

Alone in the dark, with only a candle as a guide, and monsters at every turn.

Alone in the dark, with only a candle as a guide, and monsters at every turn. A similar tale to Amnesia , but with a far less complicated storyline , Mark in DeDark is the third game by Francesco Bonizzi, a developer from Italy who has exclusively developed games for the Windows phone. A puzzle wrought with danger, part of the inspiration for this game comes from Daedalus, the mythical creator of the labyrinth that housed the Minotaur.

Monsters are a common sight in M ark in DeDark – zombies and skeletons appear seemingly at random (they have spawn points, and follow patterns of travel); a goblin creeps slowly and relentlessly through each level. All three of these monsters are attracted to candles, which can be a boon or a bane; they will stop to destroy a candle if one is left on the floor, giving the player time to get away. Werewolves aren’t attracted to the candle, but will randomly spawn a certain distance from the main character, follow for a bit, and then disappear, again, if they don’t catch them.

Through the dodging and lighting, players must find a key in each level to unlock the gate to the next area of the labyrinth. A secret item is also present for those brave enough to use their precious candles (they respawn at each level, but there is a time limit before they burn out), and with the discovery of 5 of these items, an extra candle (i.e. more time per level) will be added to inventory. The goal, of course, is to make an escape from the darkness.werewolf_front_attack_1

Pick up Mark in DeDark free for Windows phone here. Follow the game on Facebook (page in Italian), and check out the original forum postto chat with the developer.

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