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TigerFace Games – Learning Apps That Kids Will Enjoy

TigerFace Games , a new developer to the indie scene, is soon to release two learning apps, Smash Party and Equator .

TigerFace aims to make games that are actually fun for children, weaving game design and learning together from the beginning of the process, rather than just throwing some math on top of a haphazard game.

Equator is a fun, multiplayer game, that tasks the player with creating a math equation that has the same answer as their friend without using the same operator.  You’re probably rolling your eyes at the thought of math already, but this game does it all in a fun way that kids will definitely enjoy (especially since it includes things such as achievements, and customizable hats!).

Smash Party is a parlour-type game that has children (4 at a time through multiplayer), working together to solve a series of math and literacy questions.  This game doesn’t take things in a direction towards competition though, instead opting to make the experience more of a team effort.


TigerFace Games is looking to change the way people think about learning based games, and they just might do it.  With two fun games, that manage to teach kids as they entertain, learning games could become a viable genres to gamers again (Anyone remember Mario Teaches Typing ?).  Make sure you keep an eye out for both of these games on the Android Marketplace as well as the iTunes Store , and if you want more info about Equator , Smash Party , or TigerFace Games , take a look at their website.

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