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Local Co-op Ensures That Gurgamoth Lives

Many people may feel that their day-to-day lives don’t involve enough summoning of Gurgamoth (the blood moon, destroyer of worlds).

Many people may feel that their day-to-day lives don’t involve enough summoning of Gurgamoth (the blood moon, destroyer of worlds). And worse, far too many take this lack of the destruction of life as we know it sitting down. Well no more. Now, with Galvanic Games’ Gurgamoth Lives , anyone can summon gods of destruction, and do so with up to three of their closest friends.

Yes indeed, Gurgamoth Lives puts players in control of one of four cultists that are quite literally hell-bent on being the first cultist to resurrect Gurgamoth. Play starts with each character on a floating platform, and as they fall away into nothingness, the game very quickly devolves into high-speed tackles and sharp things meeting soft bits.

The immediate result – or at least the result that the developers expect – is a match that only lasts a few seconds. This is so desired, in fact, that after a short time, if the match hasn’t ended, the walls of the arena will begin to close in, restricting an already cramped arena. The aim of the game, then, is to have incredibly fast, brightly bloody (each cultist bleeds a different hue) matches.

Gurgamoth Lives is out now, having just released for Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs through itch.io. The game can be purchased from itch.io, or the game’s pageon the developer’s website(though the payment is still processed through itch.io). The game is currently on sale for $2.99 USD, with the full price set at $3.49. The game only supports local multiplayer, however, so readers should make certain that their would-be cultists are okay with the idea of bringing Gurgamoth to life.

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