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Slender Man Source mod will let you scare the hell out of yourself for free, with friends

Remember the Slender Man game we mentioned a couple of weeks back?

we mentioned a couple of weeks back? It's a terrifying indie horror based on the spooky Something Awfulmonster. You had to wander through a dark forest with a pale torch hunting for messages while trying not to look directly at the creature. It's scary as hell.

GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY, a different team are creating a version of Slender Man in Valve's Source engine. Fittingly, it's called Slender Source, and this one will let you avoid a horrifying death with friends. Yaay!

It's a work-in-progress deal at the moment, but the bare bones are in place. Here's the challenge: "Players must work together to collect a certain amount of creepy dolls all while trying to avoid the abomination that is the Slenderman. The kick? No weapons."

Sadly, nobody has ever invited me into the woods to collect creepy dolls before, but if they did I'm pretty sure I'd say "hell yes BRING THE SCARES," which probably makes me that guy who dies horribly at the start of every horror movie. Thankfully, games like Slender Man, Slender: Source, Hideand SCP Containment Breachgive us the chance to experience those scares without, y'know, the dismemberment. You can keep an eye on how the Half-Life 2 mod is progressing over on ModDB. Here's an early screenshot showing the wooded environment, which is one of two planned for release. The other will be set in an abandoned hospital.

And here's the trailer for the other Slender Man game, to give you a taste of the Slender Man vibe:

Are there any other horror games/mods that you've enjoyed? Let us know, we need some new ideas to test on work experience applicants.

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