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PC Gamer US Podcast #320 – Bananas and Bananas

This week, Tyler and Evan share a detailed verdict on Max Payne 3, look forward to Guild Wars 2, reflect on T.J.'s Celtic adventures in Civ 5: Gods 'n Kings, report on the state of the Diablo III real money auction house, and think about what we'd do to improve modern MMO design.

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in Civ 5: Gods 'n Kings, report on the state of the Diablo III real money auction house, and think about what we'd do to improve modern MMO design. We end with another episode of Day Z Storytime from Evan.

Have a question, comment, complaint or observation? Leave a voicemail: 1-877-404-1337 ext 724 or email the mp3 to pcgamerpodcast@gmail.com.

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@elahti(Evan Lahti)

@jaugustine(Josh Augustine)

@tyler_wilde(Tyler Wilde)

@Asatj(T.J. Hafer)

@belsaas(Erik Belsaas, podcast producer, cupcake baron)

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