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Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf: Forest Hunt

Joe Dever, the man behind the old Lone Wolf gamebooks , teamed up with developers Forge Reply to make Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf for Android and iOS devices.

for Android and iOS devices. The second Act, Forest Hunt , has just been released, so players can return to the world of Magnamund to battle as Lone Wolf once again.

As always, the latest Act will feature branching paths, brand-new locations, and meaningful choices. Also challenging players are the Shianti Cube mini-game and the iconic Gourgaz. Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf has three difficulties to make it accessible to anyone who might want to try it (or thinks it’s too accessible and wants more of a challenge). The new Act will also have improved AI to make the enemies more interesting and new 3-D locations to visit. Your character, which you create, will allow you to play around with the different Kai Disciplines of Lone Wolf’s order, the Kai Lords. In addition to the Kai Disciplines, you will also be able to customize your character’s traits and equipment, which will help you get through the skill-based combat. Aside from the Shianti Cube mini-game, Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf will also have lockpicking and other puzzles to add further depth to the game.

Last, and most importantly, is the ability to pick your own path through the game’s story. The story, in trying to replicate Joe Dever’s gamebooks (helped in the effort by Joe Dever himself), will allow you to choose how you’d like the story to progress, which — in addition to lending replay value to the game — will also allow the players to guide the story in whichever way they would prefer.

If you’re a fan of Joe Dever’s work, or even just a fan of picking your own adventure, then you should check out the game, the first two acts of which are available now on Androidand iOSdevices.

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