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Luminesca is now Available for Pre-Order

Luminesca is an underwater exploration game by Matt Glanville that already looks remarkable and is available for 50% off ($4.99) during it’s alpha/pre-order stage.

After preordering from the Luminesca website, you will get access to Work-in-Progress and Alpha Builds. After playing through a bit of the alpha build and first chapter, I would describe Luminesca as a charming exploration and puzzle game. It’s visuals remind me a little bit of Limbo meets Aquaria (two great indie games) and the soundtrack is charming. The big thing the game needs right now is a game map so that what you’ve explored and it would also be helpful to have some objectives or a nav point listed on such a map. The game is very playable in its current form and it will be interesting to see how the game evolves before it’s final release.

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