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Richard Garriott, Felicia Day, and Greg Kasavin Talk Ultima

Above the South Hall of E3 2014, where legendary game designer Richard Garriott was showing off his new game Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues , we arranged for a conversation between Garriott and the creative director of Supergiant Games Greg Kasavin.

, we arranged for a conversation between Garriott and the creative director of Supergiant Games Greg Kasavin. Kasavin credits Ultima as the reason he entered the gaming industry, which ultimately lead him to release the fantastic Bastionand Transistor. A late but welcome addition to the conversation was actress and Geek and Sundryfounder Felicia Day, who has been friends with Kasavin since their interactions on early Ultima fan sites. They cover a lot of topics, including the instincts of game designers and the roots of morality in games.

Watch the video discussion below to learn more from two giant Ultima fans and one of the most influential RPG designers of all time.

You can also watch and share this video on Youtube.

If you enjoy these videos of developers speaking with other developers (which we will be posting more of soon), here are some previous entries in the series...

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