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Froggies’ Review – Hopping For Puzzles

‘Froggies’ Review – Hopping For Puzzles
Reptilian-puzzling filled with lots of lateral and diagnol movement is fun, but is it really worth your time?

Reptilian-puzzling filled with lots of lateral and diagnol movement is fun, but is it really worth your time? During my time with the first 20 levels of Froggies on iOS, I was challenged with difficult and thought-provoking puzzles. Not only is getting a perfect score difficult, on the “easy” levels, it can take many repetitions to achieve. What is experienced may or may not force you to spend the money to unlock the harder levels, but even through the first 20, you can be mentally tested for free.

Classifying Froggies as a free-to-play puzzle game is a bit of a stretch. Just in the sense that the first taste is free, and that small taste is quite generous. If you finish the very easy levels, it will cost you two more dollars to unlock the rest of the 80 levels, which is pretty cheap, especially as these levels promise much greater difficulty. Judge that as you may, but if the very easy ones made my mind hurt, this is the warning.

Aesthetically, Froggies reminds me of a fairy tale. Not a grand one, but one with whimsical characters, even those these Froggies don’t promise to turn into princes. Well, maybe they do if you unlock the later levels. You have a slew of different “enemy” types that move over the grid differently. Some can move only diagonally, others only one spot straight, but you must do what all the frogs do: Jump. Hopping over any character will change the way they act, and some just disappear from the field all together. This is where the conundrums comes in. All of your frogs are place in a specific pattern and it is your job to remove by hopping until you are scored when there are no more moves to be made. From three at the high end to zero stars at the low end, every level is finishable, but you may mess up so bad that you have to retry.

All the standard plugins are here, Game Center support, sharing info about your game via all the major social networks, achievements, nothing to out of the ordinary. The thing that I disliked the most is the music. Bland, boring and repititive. Three things that you never want to use to describe what you will be hearing in game. Thankfully, you can turn it off and listen to your own music using your favorite app. Thank goodness!

What you get for free will swing you either way. Either you are going to spend the extra cash on the rest of the levels or not. But the chunk that the developers give you to try it out. For that I am recommending this app, just not the music. I could definitely see lots of time spent trying to master the jumps to perfection, especially in the 80 percent more game you get for a mere two dollars. What can happen if you try Froggies out? You might be hooked, or you might just delete it. Try it out, and there is a promise for more levels incoming as well.

[review pros=”Very challenging, 20 free levels to try, simple to pickup and play” cons=”Very challenging, poor and repetitive music” score=76]

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