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Star Wars in Arma 3 mod shows promising AT-AT combat

The wait for Star Wars: Battlefront is going to be painful.

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is going to be painful. Countless trailers, innumerous teases and speculations, and probably a controversy or two (this is Star Wars, after all). So wouldn't it be nice if we could boot up Arma 3and start blowing up AT-ATs while we wait? In the video below modder McRuppertleshows off footage of an aborted mod he was working on last year, where you could do exactly that.

While it's unlikely to ever be finished, it does offer a tantalising glimpse into a world where you can fly a fighter jet straight into an AT-AT. A huge tactical sandbox shooter in the Star Wars universe would be incredible, so here's hoping McRuppertle gets some time to finish this off.

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